‘Lands End, Spike Island’
Spike Island, Bristol
31 January to 15 March 2009

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation detail

Installation detail

Installation detail

‘Nest (Toucan)’, 2009

Installation detail, ‘(Nests)’, 2009

Installation detail, ‘Nest (Night Owl)’, 2009

Installation detail

‘Nest (Black Flamingo)’, 2009
An evolving body of work which was reconfigured, added to and re-worked into a series of large scale installations for four public gallery spaces across the UK.
Commissioned by Ikon Gallery. The initial research phase was supported by the ACE SW residency at Spike Island, the exhibition and publication was supported by Arts Council England, the Henry Moore Foundation and the Owen Family Trust.
Initial tour:
Ikon Gallery, Birmingham,
2 April to 18 May 2008
Oriel Davies, Newtown,
11 October to 29 November 2008
Spike Island, Bristol,
31 January to 15 March 2009
Grundy Gallery, Blackpool,
28 March to 9 May 2009
Photos: Stuart Bunce, courtesy of Spike Island